All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.

~ Sun Tzu

How We Work With Our Valued Clients


hoshin kanri planning,hoshin planning, hoshin,hoshin kanri methode,hoshin kanri template,hoshin kanri training,hoshin kanri method,strategic planning,hoshin kanri,hoshin,policy deploymentOn-site consulting is tailored to meet the needs of our clients. This includes a day of training and review on the concepts and methodology of Hoshin Kanri combined with two to three days of strategic planning teams working on their initial plans. This would be followed up with a review session, coaching and feedback sessions to refine the Hoshin Kanri plan.

Consulting will also include coaching and working with your staff in helping them set-up a Hoshin Kanri system.  All of our resources will be made available to ensure a successful implementation.

Organizational assessment, leadership training, customized instructional design (both live and online training), change management and building high performing teams to support the Hoshin Kanri plan are also support activates we provide.  Our strength is in Hoshin Kanri; however we are organization development consultants that can offer a variety of services to ensure change towards quality is realized.


Training in Hoshin Kanri

hoshin kanri planning,hoshin planning, hoshin,hoshin kanri methode,hoshin kanri template,hoshin kanri training,hoshin kanri method,strategic planning,hoshin kanri,hoshin,policy deploymentWe conduct workshops for groups, both large and small, on Hoshin Kanri methodology.  We teach numerous ways to increase organizational efficiency by gathering the Voice of the Customer the Voice of the Organization and then how to take that information to create strategic plans that create amazing organizational change.

We can teach live workshops or offer our online training to your organization.  Online training can be affordably tailored for your organization making it possible for you to reach numerous people economically and efficiently.


Certified Hoshin Kanri Practitioner

hoshin kanri planning,hoshin planning, hoshin,hoshin kanri methode,hoshin kanri template,hoshin kanri training,hoshin kanri method,strategic planning,hoshin kanri,hoshin,policy deploymentWe offer a curriculum-based certificate is a comprehensive training program focused on becoming a Hoshin Kanri Practitioner.   Participants receive a certificate after completion of the coursework and successful demonstration of the skills necessary to facilitate a comprehensive Hoshin Kanri project. Not only does the certification program include an in-depth look at Hoshin Kanri, it also asks the student to understand the dynamics of organizational change, facilitation skills, organization development and team building. 

Practitioner training involves working with the participant’s organization in conjunction with a Master Practitioner in Hoshin Kanri..  The training is rigorous, requiring approximately 200 hours of coursework and application of Hoshin Kanri principles.  Practitioners co-facilitate a project with a Hoshin Kanri Master and then are observed and coached as they lead a Hoshin Kanri project on their own.

The benefits to taking this path is that the organization benefits from the live consulting that takes place during an employee's certification process as well as having a trained Hoshin Kanri Practitioner as part of the permanent organization.


Blended Learning

hoshin kanri planning,hoshin planning, hoshin,hoshin kanri methode,hoshin kanri template,hoshin kanri training,hoshin kanri method,strategic planning,hoshin kanri,hoshin,policy deploymentBlended learning combines the use of our on-line training technology to give participants a chance to learn about the basics of Hoshin Kanri before a live "working" session occurs. Participants are required to complete the on-line course on "Hoshin Kanri: Visual Strategic Planning" and "SWOT Analysis" and then spend time gathering primarily data for their working session.

Working sessions are followed up with a detailed review and feedback session.  We also tailor our on-line training for support after the live learning session has taken place.  Online training is tailored using our clients own business examples and workplace scenarios.  We have the ability to deliver this on-line learning to thousands of employees providing testing and tracking of student results.

The Hoshin Kanri Process
Robust methodology for implementing change...

hoshin kanri planning,hoshin planning, hoshin,hoshin kanri methode,hoshin kanri template,hoshin kanri training,hoshin kanri method,strategic planning,hoshin kanri,hoshin,policy deployment

Hoshin Kanri is a step-by-step strategic planning process. The literal translation of Hoshin Kanri can have several American meanings. "Ho" meaning method or form and "shin" meaning shining needle or compass. Kanri means management or control; a methodology for strategic direction setting.

Hoshin Kanri provides an elegant method for creating a comprehensive communication system between all levels of employees, keeping everyone focused on meeting organizational goals.

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Change Management
Key concepts in creating positive change...

hoshin kanri planning,hoshin planning, hoshin,hoshin kanri methode,hoshin kanri template,hoshin kanri training,hoshin kanri method,strategic planning,hoshin kanri,hoshin,policy deployment

We conduct facilitated team sessions around the issues of organizational change. We have studied change in organizations for the past twenty five years and have created a model of why things don't change for the better and what a company can do to create positive improvement. 

All change management sessions are highly tailored to meet the needs of the organization and the challenges and changes they are facing.

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Organization Development
Change is the only constant in organizational growth...

hoshin kanri planning,hoshin planning, hoshin,hoshin kanri methode,hoshin kanri template,hoshin kanri training,hoshin kanri method,strategic planning,hoshin kanri,hoshin,policy deployment

Working with executive management teams, we facilitate the groups understanding of the competition, the current environment, and what it will take to become a top performing organization. 

Customized sessions on visioning, missioning, and planning are designed to create a solid road map with tactics that can then be transferred into team charters and communicated throughout the organization.

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We offer workshops in all content areas related to organization development and strategic planning.

Contact Us

Contact us for a free quote on how we can provide training and consulting around strategic planning and organizational development.